S3C - Société de Commercialisation de Café et de Cacao
  • contact@s3c-ci.net
  • +225 27 21 27 14 24 | +225 27 21 27 20 79

Société de Commercialisation de Café-Cacao

La force d’un partenaire à votre service

Un vaste réseau d’approvisionnement

Notre réseau d’approvisionnement de fève s’étend à travers tout le territoire ivoirien

Un programme de durabilité pour des produits de qualité

Nous sommes engagés à construire un partenariat avec les producteurs et un impact positif sur l’environnement

Nos entrepôts

Capacité d’entreposage qui assure la disponibilité et le bon traitement du produit

Une flotte automobile perfomante

Une flotte automobile robuste pour un avantage logistique

Mot du PDG

I, as a chairman and major shareholder of multiple companies namely Societe to commercialization de café (S3C) and Operation de transit et de logistique (OTL) and Ivory Free Logistics (IFL), would like to ensure with great pleasure our commitment to the perfection in the fields of exports, imports and logistics in the field concerning the above companies.
We are highly committed on our unswerving dedication in providing high level of products and services that meet and even exceed international standards.
We attentively select cacao, coffee and cashew to meet the highest standards of purity.
On the other side, our packaging techniques protect the integrity and purity of the products and ward off any damage during transit. Moreover, our integrated companies as well as our extensive network and strategic partnerships enable us to offer seamless and efficient logistics solutions that cater to the unique needs of our clientele with an implied objective that exceptional logistics, transports are crucial in maintaining the highest quality of product delivery.
Considering the aforementioned, our integrated companies provide comparative and competitive advantage that encourages the selection of our products and services since they not only meet but also exceed our clients' expectations whether in cost-effectiveness, delivering with superior performance etcConsidering the aforementioned, our integrated companies provide comparative and competitive advantage that encourages the selection of our products and services since they not only meet but also exceed our clients' expectations whether in cost-effectiveness, delivering with superior performance etc....
As a businessman with extensive years of experience in the field of agriculture especially in cacao, coffee and cashew, Lebanese originated and American citizenship holding norms of transparency and integrity in business dealing.
I always be careful and attentive in my businesses and consequently I urge all my employees to be aware especially in abusing our legal businesses for illegal activities. Consequently, as a shareholder and CEO of the companies S3C, OTL and IFL I issued directives to ensure commitment in maintaining highest standards of integrity and compliance especially in international trades to prevent any misuse of the companies’ legitimate trade for illicit activities.
Even though we do our due diligence while maintaining business with either our existing customers or purported ones to ensure their legitimate activities, we do deal with very well-known banks that have strong compliance program to ensure commitments with international best practices and regulatory requirements by conducting thorough due diligence, continuous monitoring and regular training.
Nevertheless, J maintain a very well relationship with the banks I deals with either for my business activities or for my personal accounts and I persist to provide them with all related documents necessary for any deal or transaction to ensure transparency and to safeguard my businesses from any financial crime.
We do adhere to all applicable regulations, whether directly or indirectly, to keep the international trade free from illegal usage especially in trade-based money laundering and consequently to maintain the integrity of the international financial system. Trust our business in all means and we do always do our best in exceeding your needs and in a transparent, efficient and integrated way.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Societe de commercialisation de café caco (S3C) is a joint stock company established on 04 August 2008 with a capital 4,504,400,000 FCFA specialized in purchasing and storing, locally as well as exporting of agriculture products such as coffee, cacao and cashew nuts.
Despite facing both systematic and unsystematic challenges, locally and internationally, S 3C has consistently demonstrated exponential growth and maintained robust financial figures since its inception.
This success is related to the vision, leadership and management represented by Mr. Mohamad Omeis that consistently navigated and surpassed the faced events by planning for S3C to be a global leader in the agriculture industry via providing sustainable and innovative solutions.
S3C stability and growth are derived from a well-established strategy that emphasizes honesty, transparency and highest quality by attentively selecting cacao, coffee and cashew to meet the highest standards of purity of goods to keep its comparative and competitive advantage as well as to enhance its continuing financial growth.
S3C goes beyond the products themselves to ensure that packaging techniques protect the integrity and purity of the products and ward off any damage during transit. Moreover, our integrated companies as well as our extensive network and strategic partnerships enable us to offer seamless and efficient logistics solutions that cater to the unique needs of our clientele with an implied objective that exceptional logistics, transports are crucial in maintaining the highest quality of product delivery.
S3C buys its high-quality products (coffee, cacao and cashew nuts) from multiple local suppliers and exports them to many customers located in different continent but mainly to Europe such as France and Germany. It is worth mentioning that due to our high-quality products, customer focus, punctuality, dedication, transparency, honesty, efficiency and compliance and ethics our company built a strong relationship with multinational companies that last long for years.
Compliance with best practices regarding Anti-Money laundering (AML) and countering financing of terrorism (CFT) standards lead us, for example but not limited to, to ensure from the history and legitimate business activities of our purported counterparty as well as the destination of the goods and the vessel carrying them.
Moreover, our strategy is to deal with well-known financial institutions that have strong compliance program and deal with prominent correspondent banks to ensure commitments with international best practices and regulatory requirements to maintain transparency, integrity and safeguarding international trade and consequently our legitimate business.
Since we recognize the importance of Anti-Money Laundering and countering the financing of terrorism to maintain integrity and transparency. This commitment extends to our Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) policies to prevent, detect and address bribery and corruption in all its forms to ensure utmost ethical standards.
Adherence to AML and ABC programs ensure that our operations are free from illicit activities and uphold the principles of fair and transparent business practices as well as maintaining the going concern of the company.
We do adhere to all applicable regulations, whether directly or indirectly, to keep the international trade free from illegal usage especially in trade-based money laundering and consequently to maintain the integrity of the international financial system.
Trust our business in all means and we do always do our best in exceeding your needs and in a transparent, efficient and integrated way.

café caco S3C
café S3C

Nos Chiffres clés




Années d'expériences

12 000

Capacités entrepôts (Tonnes)

100 000

Volume Exporté Cacao (Tonnes)

20 000

Volume Exporté Café(Tonnes)


Engins (flotte logistique)

Notre politique de Durabilité


Une entreprise de référence en terme de durabilité aux yeux des clients et communautés productrices de Cacao en impactant positivement leurs conditions de vie socio-économique et environnementales


La stratégie de la Société de Commercialisation de Café-Cacao (S3C) se repose sur quatre(4) objectifs principaux.

  • Créer la proximité avec nos groupes
  • Encourager l'adoption de pratiques durables et innovantes
  • Accompagner nos partenaires dans la durabilité
  • Affiner les capacités des planteurs à prendre des décisions sur leurs champs


Contribuer à :

  • Renforcer les capacités de nos partenaires ;
  • Renforcer la sécurité et la souveraineté alimentaire ;
  • Enclencher une dynamique de développement socio-économique durable des communautés rurales d’implantation de sites de promotion des activités de durabilité ;
  • Veiller au respect des obligations durables des clients & Partenaires

Nous sommes certifiés UTZ Rain Forest Fairtrade
certification ubz rain forest certification fairtrade

  Notre usine de conditionnement


  Nos entrepots


  Notre quai de déchargement


Notre équipe

Une équipe jeune, dynamique, dévouée avec à sa tête des managers très expérimentés avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience.
Nous sommes certifiés ISO 9001-2015

Sociétés affiliées

Image otl

OTL, Operation Transit Logistique, is a limited liability company with headquarter in Abidjan, within the Vridi industrial zone, with representation in the port zone of San Pedro.
OTL established in June 2017 with a capital of 500,000,000 XOF and its main objective is to carry out and coordinate the transit and logistics operations including warehouse storage and customs transit, import and export of all products and mainly coffee, cocoa and cashew nuts.
OTL focuses on keeping high service standards through robust quality assurance processes, ensuring timely deliveries and exceptional customer services. On the other hand, OTL aims to optimize its operational efficiencies by reducing its operational expenses especially its overhead costs and taking advantage from its lean management to reach economies of scale that lead to lower prices without compromising the quality of our services and keeping competitive advantage over our competitors.
This dual approach of cost-effectiveness and differentiation allows us to sustain competitive pricing while delivering superior value, reinforcing our position in the market and enhancing long term customer loyalty.
The above adopted strategy leads OTL to increase its annual expected activities by 10% continually.
Besides the business strategy adopted, OTL prioritizes Anti Money laundering (AML) and countering financing of terrorism standards (CFT) standards in order to safeguard business activities and preventing any illegal usage of international trade especially that shipping play a major role in trade-based money laundering.
It is worth mentioning that OTL keeps the integrity, completeness and accuracy of shipping documentation to ensure all parties to a transaction understand the entities, recipients, goods, and vessels involved in a given shipment. Bills of lading, certificates of origin, invoices, packing lists, proof of insurance, and lists of last ports of call are examples of documentation that typically accompanies a shipping transaction.
Moreover, our strategy is to deal with well-known financial institutions that have strong compliance program and deal with prominent correspondent banks to ensure commitments with international best practices and regulatory requirements to maintain transparency, integrity and safeguarding international trade and consequently our legitimate business.
Adherence to Anti-Money laundering (AML) and countering financing of terrorism (CFT) program ensure that our operations are free from illicit activities and uphold the principles of fair and transparent business practices as well as maintaining the going concern of the company.
We do adhere to all applicable regulations, whether directly or indirectly, to keep the international trade free from illegal usage especially in trade-based money laundering and consequently to maintain the integrity of the international financial system.
Trust our business in all means and we do always do our best in exceeding your needs and in a transparent, efficient and integrated way.

Image Accueil B

IFL, Ivory Free Logistics, is a limited liability company with headquarter in Abidjan Yopougon Zone Artisanale, Non Loin du Terminus Sotra and postal code 2547 Abidjan 04.
IFL was established on 11 July 2022 with a capital of 10,000,000 FCFA specialized in logistics transports of various goods including warehousing and storage in all forms.
IFL belongs to highly professional group of companies, each specializing in a distinct line of business. The group includes Societe de commercialisation de café cacao (S3C) that focused on trading of agriculture products, Operation Transit Logistique (OTL) is dedicated in customs transit and shipment and IFL which is specialized in logistics and transportation including warehousing and storage solutions.
The mission of IFL is to optimize the movement, storage and distribution of goods to ensure our clients operation (mainly S3C) run smoothly and efficiently.
IFL main business activity is handled with Societe de commercialisation de café cacao (S3C) which is a related company.
IFL ensures timely, secure and reliable delivery for the purpose of meeting the IFL main business activity is handled with Societe de commercialisation de café cacao (S3C) which is a related company.
highest industry standards via using advanced warehousing facilities and excellent fleet management.
IFL employs good fleet management practices to maximize the performance of our transportation assets. Moreover, scheduled maintenance is set in place to ensure the reliability and safety of our fleet to minimize any delay and to maximize operational efficiency. IFL prioritizes Anti -Money laundering (AML) and countering financing of terrorism standards (CFT) standards in order to safeguard business activities and preventing any illegal usage of international trade.
Moreover, our strategy is to deal with well-known financial institutions that have strong compliance program and deal with prominent correspondent banks to ensure commitments with international best practices and regulatory requirements to maintain transparency, integrity and safeguarding international trade and consequently our legitimate business.
Adherence to Anti-Money laundering (AML) and countering financing of terrorism (CET) program ensure that our operations are free from illicit activities and uphold the principles of fair and transparent business practices as well as maintaining the going concern of the company. We do adhere to all applicable regulations, whether directly or indirectly, to keep the international trade free from illegal usage especially in trade-based money laundering and consequently to maintain the integrity of the international financial system.
Trust our business in all means and we do always do our best in exceeding your needs and in a transparent, efficient and integrated way.


Abidjan-Port Bouet-zone industrielle Vridi

01 BP 5929 Abidjan 01

+225 27 21 27 14 24
+225 27 21 27 20 79